I have been in practice for over twenty five years. I am licensed by the state of Washington as a licensed mental health counselor. I am a state certified supervisor and provide supervision and consultation for clinicians. I also am a trained psychoanalyst.

Sally Bjorklund M.A., L.M.H.C.  Psychotherapy, About Me

Leadership Positions

Editorial Board, Psychoanalytic Perspectives An International Journal of Integration and Innovation
Founding Faculty member, Relational Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis Seattle
Board chair, Director of Training, Faculty, The Northwest Center for Psychoanalysis
Board member and Chair of the Committee for Gender and Sexualities, International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education
Clinical Supervisor, Northwest Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study and The Fremont Community Clinic Seattle


Presentations and Publications


“Grey Hares: On Still Getting Hot and Bothered.” Atlanta, 2016
Clinical Implications of the Psychoanalyst's Life Experience, 2013, Steven Kuchuck ed.,Routledge,  contributor.
"How Betty and Vincent Became Sally and Scott," Portland, 2012
Commentary on Roundtable Discussion on Female Desire, Psychoanalytic Perspectives, 2012.
"The Really Really Dark Continent: Notes on Lesbian Desire," Ft. Lauderdale 2011
"This is What Psychoanalysis Looks Like," Memphis, 2010
"When Actions Speak Louder than Words: Playing Show and Tell," Seattle 2009, New York City 2010. 
"Can You Hear Me Now? Reflections from the (T) Mobile Analyst", Toronto 2007, Seattle 2008. 
"Who's Got the Penis? Reflections from the Postmodern Couch," Pasadena 2006.
"For Better or For Worse: Gay Marriage Hits the Couch", Ft. Lauderdale 2005, Seattle, 2005.


IARPP | The International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
Division 39 Psychoanalysis - American Psychological Association  
The Northwest Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study